MRSON is fast growing organization which is getting popular now days in industry for its proven quality special application products supporting with MAKE IN INDIA approach. Special focus is being given for import substitute versions.
MRSON is technical extension of a 30 + years old entit PROTO CONTROL Instruments (i) Pvt Ltd. working in various special application areas with proven track record for in all sectors of industries. MRSON assures additional and direct techno-commercial benefits to all clients with assured quality and professional support with required service back up. ​

Industries We Serve

Cement Industry

Power & Steel Industry

Pharmaceutical Industry

Number Of Speak For Themself


Year of Expansion

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Manufacturing Products

Leaders In Providing Quality Products With Latest Technology

Why Choose Us

We are Professional

How all this mistakens idea of denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed by account of the system, and expound.

We are Expert

Denouncing pleasures and praisings pain was born work will give you a complete seds account of the system, and actual master-builder of human happiness.

We are Trusted

Idea of denouncing pleasure and praisings pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual great explorer of the truth.

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MRSON is technical extension of a 30 + years old entity ​

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